Iceland’s recent interim government has taken a devastating step backward. By renewing outdated whaling licenses, they’ve given the green light for the slaughter of over 1,000 fin whales—a species vital to ocean health—and hundreds of minke whales over the next five years.
The horror goes beyond the numbers. A 2023 study found that when a fin whale is struck by a harpoon, on average it suffers for an agonising 11.5 minutes before dying. Some whales are chased for hours, only to endure a slow, excruciating death after being harpooned.
Time is running out. Every moment that Iceland allows this brutal practice to continue, these majestic creatures remain at risk. Not only do the whales face unspeakable cruelty by whaling, the product, meat, is not needed. Whaling hurts Iceland’s reputation and now the plan to kill of minke whales is jeopardising whale-watching in a remote area of the country that depends on living whales—not dead ones.
Support for whaling is fading amongst Icelanders. Most envision a compassionate, modern nation that protects its natural wonders. But as long as these licenses stand, that vision is slipping away.
It’s time to end commercial whaling for good—before another harpoon strikes.
Stop the slaughter.
By signing this petition, you’re sending a clear message to Iceland. Let’s show the world that we do not agree with the senseless killing of whales.
Whaling is cruel, unnecessary, and outdated. It’s time to take action.
Sign the petition