Help us save North Atlantic right whales from extinction

Did you know there are approximately 350 North Atlantic right whales remaining on our planet? The U.S. and Canadian governments must take immediate action to implement stricter regulations to save this critically endangered species from extinction. Yet, instead of taking the necessary steps to protect them, they're trying to delay action. This is unacceptable.

We are urging NOAA, the U.S. Coast Guard, Congress, Transport Canada and the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Ocean to:

Increase compliance, enforcement, and awareness within the existing 10-knot speed regulation in North Atlantic right whale management areas;

Expand support for the testing of innovative gear solutions (i.e., on-demand and acoustic) for trap/pot and gillnet fisheries within the habitat and migratory corridors of the North Atlantic right whale;

Strengthen and increase transparency into cross-border collaborations and cooperative federally driven initiatives to holistically address North Atlantic right whale conservation practices.

Sign our petition now to protect North Atlantic right whales from the rising threats and fatalities due to entanglement and vessel strikes.

Animal Rescuers - No Targ
Animal Rescuers
Animal Rescuers

Photo: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, NOAA Research Permit # 665-1652