© Jimmy Malecki

The NSW government must stop runaway land clearing now

The NSW Government is currently deciding whether to continue to allow runaway land clearing enabled by the previous government.

You can make a huge impact by contacting key members of the Minns government  TODAY!

The former Coalition government introduced the current laws that led to skyrocketing rates of deforestation. The current government now has the opportunity to fulfill its election promise to fix them.

These reforms have seen habitat clearing become the biggest cause of environmental loss in the state. 50 million trees and an area the size of Newcastle is being destroyed every year. Countless animals, including koalas, gliders, possums, and birds, are being left homeless.

Australia is the only developed nation named as a 'global deforestation hotspot', and NSW is the worst-ranked state in the country. We need to ditch this shameful title now!

IFAW and other leading organisations in the Alliance for Nature NSW are calling on you to add your voice to our collective push for government action.

Tell the Premier Chris Minns, Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty, and Environment Minister Penny Sharpe that you expect them to deliver on their election commitment.

We have created a template email for you to send, but do feel free to personalise.

Thank you for all that you do for wildlife and the places they call home.

The Hon
Australian Labor Party

© Jimmy Malecki